Considerations Prior To Your Siding Installation Or Repair

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Do you have siding on your home that is clearly in need of repair or replacement? Whether it's an entire section of siding or you just need to patch up one spot, there are some best practices you'll want to keep in mind when it comes to siding repair or installation in order to ensure that the new siding you put into place will get the job done for years to come. Here are some tips to keep in mind before beginning any kind of siding project.

Look Underneath for Issues

The top of the siding might not look great, and perhaps that's the reason for the repair or replacement, but also check what's going on underneath before putting new siding into place. If you have issues like rot or other damage underneath, you don't want to just try and put the new siding over top of it and hope it will go away. Leaving an issue like rot unchecked could lead to further problems like attracting pests into your home.

Ensure It's a Dry Day

Prepare the surface before you begin work and ensure it is dry and that there is no lingering debris that could mess up the job. You also don't want the material underneath the siding to get wet, so look at the forecast and ensure it's a dry day.

Measure to Get It Right

Measure the amount of siding you need and then measure it again. Accurate measurements will ensure you don't end up spending too much on siding you don't need and will also ensure you don't end up with a gap from not buying enough. Fixing a gap after the fact will be time-consuming, so it's better to slow down and get accurate measurements the first time.

Follow Suggested Guidelines for Fasteners

Different types of siding like vinyl or metal might require different fasteners to keep in place. Always stick with the suggested fasteners from the manufacturer of the siding. Using the wrong fastener could lead to loose siding and other issues.

Consider Insulation or Moisture Barriers

When you have the old siding removed, this could also be an opportunity to add more insulation to your home. You at the very least might want to put in some "house wrap" or any material that can serve as a moisture barrier so that water doesn't get past that point even if it gets through the siding.

Contact a local siding repair or installation expert and you can let someone else worry about the details while also ensuring a top-notch repair or replacement.

Reach out to a local company to learn more, like Robert Laman Jr. Construction.

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