How To Figure Out How Much Your Propane Tank Refill Will Cost

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Propane tanks are used by a wide variety of residential properties both in rural, semi-rural, and sometimes even urban environments. There are many benefits to using a propane tank, but perhaps one of the greatest chores is making sure it is always refilled and not at risk of going empty. If you are new to a property that utilizes a propane tank then you may not be quite sure how much it will cost to refill it or how to actually go about doing this. Here are a few tips and tricks you should use to organize your residential propane tank refill and figure out how much it will cost.

Not Always Best To Use The Same Contractor As Before  

The easiest way to get your propane tank refilled in a regular manner is by simply using the previous contractor that the tenant had before you. However, this will not always work because your usage may be different, and some propane tank suppliers can only do larger quantities or more frequent visits. That is why it is a good idea to try your previous residential propane tank refill company for the first few months and, if problems arise on your or their end, you can then transfer to a new contractor who can fulfill smaller (or larger) orders.

The Size Of Your Tank

The only way to know for sure how much you will be paying for a refill is to figure out how many gallons your tank is. This should have been information left for you, both in the description of the house and perhaps in previous bills for this service. Sometimes the gallon amount will be listed on the propane tank itself if it hasn't rubbed off due to age or weather.  Whatever the case, this is vital information, and if you don't have it you need to get it from an expert or by asking the previous owner.

Safety Measures

When you know the size of your propane tank, you need to then simply multiply it by the current price of propane. However, propane tanks are not usually filled to 100%, in fact, they virtually never are due to safety measures. So, subtract around 15-25% of this total, and that will be your average cost of a residential propane tank refill, although you may have to factor in the price of delivery as well, so make sure to ask what their rates are!

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